Other information and services: www.belgium.be


What is a service integrator?

According to the law of 15 August 2012, a service integrator is an institution which, by or under a law, is responsible for the integration of services at a given level of authority or in a given sector.  Integration of services' means the organisation of mutual exchanges of electronic data between bodies and the integrated provision of such data.  The mission of a federal service integrator is, with the agreement of the participating public services and other service integrators, to integrate data processing processes.  In this context, it provides access to data in an integrated way.


To this end, the federal service integrator:


  •     Receives and responds to requests to consult and communicate data recorded in one or more databases or proceeds with the integrated communication of these data;
  •     Develops the methods for technical and organisational control of access rights to databases;
  •     Promotes and ensures the homogeneity of access rights to databases;
  •     Develop in the most efficient and secure way possible the technical modalities for developing access channels;
  •     Develops the technical modalities for communication between databases or authentic sources and the network;
  •     Promotes a coordinated security policy for the network;
  •     Promotes and supervises the remodelling of databases into authentic sources;
  •     Can develop, at their joint request, applications for several participating public services that are useful for integrating data stored in databases.


 Currently, there are 6 public service integrators operating in Belgium: